Donnerstag, 31. März 2011

She's like the wind....

....möööp.  It is quite windy today... my umbrella already burst, so I'll have to buy a new one later...Weather forecast for the next few days (oh- or just for the rest of the day?!?!): rain, stop rain, rain, stop rain, less rain, heavy rain...wind..rain...wind...temperatures drop...- yep. I don't like these kind of weather, although I really like rain (but only if I'm at home). As we are going to the Highlands on Saturday, I don't want any rain :-(. So I'll keep my fingers crossed that the weather will change...!!! ... Today we will go to Jimmy Chungs- a Chinese/Thai restaurant where you can have buffet. Prices are affordable there so we decided to go. Perhaps we will go to the pub night afterwards, but we're not sure yet. I don't want to be tired at college... But: Starbucks always helps me out of my tiredness :-D...- I will miss that in Germany, the Starbucks coffee is really better than any other coffee. Anyway, there is plenty of time left here... ! I can't remember if I told you... but we went to Mary King's Close yesterday. It wasn't what I had expected, but it was really interesting. It wasn't scary at all, but it was fascinating what lies underneath the streets of Edinburgh. And when you are in should be aware of meeting "Little Wee Anni's" ghost...she might always be there- but she'll let you know... ;-)...So, my English is quite bad today, I already talked too much in class...just want to switch off my brain right now :-D...! Have a nice day...

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